[comp.sys.mac.programmer] problems with SE/30

engber@shorty.CS.WISC.EDU (Mike Engber) (04/10/89)

A friend of mine got a new SE/30 and I was trying out various games
and sound files. Most of the games would run, but often when you quit,
a message to the effect the finder was damaged would appear and you'd
have to re-boot.  Somtimes when you quit or re-boot, the HD would show
no icons, or the menues would stop working. Turning off the power and
re-booting would restore things to normal. Similar problems showed up
after using SuperPlay to play sounds.

The whole thing reminded me a lot of the early days on the Mac when system
bombs were a normal part of everyday life. Now I'm spoiled and I don't expect
them to happen very often.

I know that games are notorius for breaking all kinds of rules, but I
wrote one of the ones we tried and I know I don't do anything unusual
(just plain old quick draw). These problems were caused by a wide variety
of games, even Lode Runner which has been compatible with every system
up to this point. Also, McSink 6.5 bombed when selected.

-has anyone had similar problems?
-does anyone know what's causing this?
-what % of applications don't work on the SE/30?
-is it possible that any serious damage is being done to the system/file system?

please respond by email (and I'll post a summary)