[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Video Driver etc...

js7k+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jeffrey Aaron Senn) (04/13/89)

For a real-time stimulus/response data collection utility I need to be able
to disable/enable the video display on my MacII  and MacSE in real-time...
i.e. <16.66mS, but still retain a "normal" system environment in terms of
quickdraw and window management calls.

Basically I want to disable the display, have the user draw something, and then
re-enable the display.

I've thought of several hacks, color-animation, e.g. turn all the colors to
black, fooling the video driver into displaying the "wrong" memory...etc
However, everything I've considered is rather hard on the system environment.
Is there some neat driver feature to do this?

I'd appreciate any advice or code that communicates with the screen driver
on MacIIs or MacSEs.

E-mail to SENN@psy.cmu.edu
