ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (04/27/89)
I recently got a copy of MPW 3.0 bundled along with TML Pascal II 3.0 (it's a good deal), 'cause I wanted to learn about MPW. I'm trying to port a project over from LSP, but have mainly been tearing my hair out. :-> My problem seems to be that I can't get TML Pascal to make the make file correctly. It's supposed to do it automatically within its project manager. Since the makefile isn't made right, I keep getting errors like: # 19:58:32 ----- Build project: pencil2. TMLPascal setup.p # MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors; # ? ### Error 502 Dependent unit "GLOBALS" has been recompiled since the last compilation of "ERRORS". #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File "setup.p"; Line 7 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### MPW Shell - Execution of pencil2.projout terminated. ### MPW Shell - Execution of TMLBuildProject terminated. This is because the files "globals" and "errors" should have been compiled first. I'd very much appreciate it if someone could take a look at what I'm doing and see if I'm making an error. If I'm not, I'll call up TML tomorrow and ask what gives. These are my USES clauses; to be _very_ defensive, I've made everything later in the project use everything earlier in the project. I know this ins't necessary, and is probably not good style, but I wanted to be very sure of what I was doing. I don't think this should hose things. unit Globals; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf; *********************************************************************************** unit errors; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals; *********************************************************************************** unit Setup; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors; *********************************************************************************** unit utils; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors,setup; *********************************************************************************** unit draw; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors,setup, utils; *********************************************************************************** unit scroll; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors,setup, utils, draw; *********************************************************************************** unit edit; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors,setup, utils,draw,scroll; *********************************************************************************** unit pallete; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit; *********************************************************************************** unit content; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete; *********************************************************************************** unit files; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals,errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete, content; *********************************************************************************** unit window; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete, content, files; *********************************************************************************** unit menu; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete, content, files, window; *********************************************************************************** unit event; interface uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete, content, files, window, menu; *********************************************************************************** program Pencil2; uses MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,PackIntf,globals, errors, setup, utils, draw, scroll,edit, pallete, content, files, window, menu, event; ********************************** And this is the make file it produces (I think this is the make file; in any case it's the .proj that TMLP uses). As you can see, the dependencies are mixed up from what they were in the original project: ############################################################# # # Created: Monday, April 24, 1989 13:30:02 # # Project Name: pencil2 # Project Type: Application # # Finder Type: APPL # Finder Creator: ???? # Set Bundle Bit: FALSE # # Project Source Files: # content.p # draw.p # edit.p # Errors.p # event.p # files.p # Globals.p # menu.p # pallete.p # pencil2.p # scroll.p # setup.p # utils.p # window.p content.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 edit.p 6 pallete.p 6 scroll.p 6 content.p TMLPascal content.p draw.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p TMLPascal draw.p edit.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 scroll.p 6 edit.p TMLPascal edit.p Errors.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 Errors.p TMLPascal Errors.p event.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 setup.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 edit.p 6 pallete.p 6 content.p 6 window.p 6 menu.p 6 event.p TMLPascal event.p files.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 setup.p 6 utils.p 6 files.p TMLPascal files.p Globals.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 Globals.p TMLPascal Globals.p menu.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 setup.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 edit.p 6 pallete.p 6 content.p 6 window.p 6 menu.p TMLPascal menu.p pallete.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 pallete.p TMLPascal pallete.p pencil2.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 setup.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 edit.p 6 pallete.p 6 content.p 6 window.p 6 menu.p 6 event.p 6 pencil2.p TMLPascal pencil2.p scroll.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 Globals.p 6 Setup.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 scroll.p TMLPascal scroll.p setup.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 Globals.p 6 setup.p TMLPascal setup.p utils.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 utils.p TMLPascal utils.p window.p.o D pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p 6 setup.p 6 utils.p 6 draw.p 6 edit.p 6 pallete.p 6 content.p 6 window.p TMLPascal window.p pencil2 DD pencil2.Proj 6 globals.p.o 6 setup.p.o 6 utils.p.o 6 draw.p.o 6 edit.p.o 6 pallete.p.o 6 content.p.o 6 window.p.o 6 menu.p.o 6 event.p.o 6 Errors.p.o 6 files.p.o 6 scroll.p.o 6 pencil2.p.o Link -w -t 'APPL' -c '????' 6 pencil2.p.o 6 content.p.o 6 draw.p.o 6 edit.p.o 6 Errors.p.o 6 event.p.o 6 files.p.o 6 Globals.p.o 6 menu.p.o 6 pallete.p.o 6 scroll.p.o 6 setup.p.o 6 utils.p.o 6 window.p.o 6 "{Libraries}"Runtime.o 6 "{Libraries}"Interface.o 6 "{TMLPLibraries}"TMLPasLib.o 6 "{TMLPLibraries}"SANELib.o 6 -o pencil2 So, I just don't see the "error of my ways". :->. If someone could point it out, I'd be _very_ grateful. Or if there is no error evident, I'd like to know that too, 'cause I'd like to give TML a call then. Thanks, Robert Robert ------ ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu ------ generic disclaimer: all my opinions are mine
ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (04/27/89)
In article <2931@tank.uchicago.edu>, ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu writes... > >I recently got a copy of MPW 3.0 bundled along with TML Pascal II 3.0 (it's a >good deal), 'cause I wanted to learn about MPW. I'm trying to port a project >over from LSP, but have mainly been tearing my hair out. :-> I guess it's not stricly necessary, but I just thought I'd add one comment to my previous message, particularly since I've gotten some mail asking why am I switching from THINK to TML. I'm not porting from THINK Pascal to TML because I prefer TML, but rather because I'm trying to learn a bit about MPW. TML Pascal seems quite nice, and if you're writing multi-language programs, or need to use MPW, it might be better for your purposes than THINK. But for Pascal compilers, I think THINK is a much more elegant environment, has exceptional debugging facilities, and is -- in my opinion -- more in keeping with the spirit of the Mac's "easy to use" interface. I prefer THINK, but knowledge never hurts. :-> Robert ------ ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu ------ generic disclaimer: all my opinions are mine