[net.micro] CLS

Mfarber@udel-relay@sri-unix.UUCP (08/26/83)

This program clears the screen from DOS. It will do it from any graphics
/alpha mode.

In the graphics modes, the DOS 2.00 CLS will fill the screen with bars;
this doesn't.


; This program clears the screen from DOS. To clear the screen,
; it defines a window the size of the whole screen and then
; scrolls that window to clear its contents.


clear	segment
	assume cs:clear
	mov ah,15		; get current video state data
	int 10h
	mov bl,bh		; save video page
	xor cx,cx		; set upper-left-corner
	mov dl,ah		; set lower-left-corner
	dec dl			; (adjust)
	mov dh,24
	mov bh,7		; normal attr
	cmp al,4		; graphics screen?
	jb c1			; no
	cmp al,7
	je c1			; no
	mov bh,cl		; yes-use attr 0
c1:	mov al,cl		; scroll length 0-clear window
	mov ah,6		; scroll page to clear the screen
	int 10h
	mov ah,2		; reposition cursor
        mov bh,bl		; (restore video page)
	mov dx,cx		; upper-left-corner (CX=0 from scroll)
	int 10h
	int 20h			; return to DOS
clear	ends


after it is linked, don't forget to use EXE2BIN CLEAR.EXE CLEAR.COM
to convert it to a COM file