[net.trivia] "Man From UNCLE" Answers

bunt (11/24/82)

The long-awaited (?) answers to my quiz of some time back...

1. The three principal chars in the show were
    Napoleon Solo - Robert Vaughn (he has the Ph.D.)
    Illya Kuryakin (I got many spellings - I think this is right)
                  - David McCallum
    Alexander Waverley - Leo G. Carroll

2. U.N.C.L.E. was an acronym for >> United Network Command for
    Law and Enforcement <<

3. The enemy was T.H.R.U.S.H., an acronym for  >> Technological
    Hierarchy for the Removal of Humans and the Subjugation
    of Humanity  <<

4. Now the good stuff...

   Leo G. Carroll starred in a great old series called Topper.
   The characters in this one were:
     Cosmo Topper - Leo G. Carroll
     Henrietta Topper - Emmaline Henry (I think)
     George Kerby - Robert Sterling   )      played a family of ghosts
     Marion Kerby - Ann Jeffries      )      who, if memory serves, were
     Neal - their St. Bernard         )      killed in an avalanche on a
                                             skiing honeymoon
   A real classic. Is it showing anywhere?

5. The spinoff series was "The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.". Its stars were
     April Dancer - Stephanie Powers
     Mark Slade - Noel Harrison
   We all know (and love?) Stephanie Powers as Ms. Hart, but Noel
   Harrison is more interesting. He did a very good half-hour weekly
   folk music show on CBC-TV around 1970-71 from Nova Scotia, I believe.
   To my knowledge he lives there still, and does some acting and singing
   in regional theatres. If anyone can update on his activites I'd
   appreciate it.

                         For those oldies that never die, ...