(Joe) (07/13/89)
I am currently writing an application to time user responses to screen images in milliseconds. My problem is that the TimeMgr section of inside mac is unclear. I very much need advice on how to use the time manager; I think most of my confusion revolves around the fact that I can't seem to figure out how the QElem structure is organized. How do I define a task? If I want to know how many milliseconds are going by, what do I do? What sorts of side-effects will there be on the machine when I play around with the interrupts like this? Does anyone have any PD source code they would part with? I would prefer C, but I can read Pascal. Thanks in advance. * * "Think, imagine, feel" are words like good and evil; * they mean what you choose them to mean - and nothing more. * If you define them, they fall apart. So in the end, you * must accept them for what you feel them to be. * INTERNET: RELAY: BITNET: joe%amos@ucsd.bitnet UUCP: ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdamos!joe (John Yen) (07/14/89)
If someonw could mail me the revised version of the Sound Manager, I'd really appreciate it. aTdHvAaNnKcSe. John Yen (