[net.micro] TRS OS-9 Avaiability

knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (09/07/83)

Last week I called the nearest Radio Shack COmputer Center about
when the new OS-9 for Color COmputer would hit the shelves.
He said the stuff (including the new hardware & other goods) was
already in the warehouses, and should be at the stores Sept 15.
He also verified that a lot of people had shown interest in OS-9,
which, given the price and its power (sort of a Small Un*x),
isn't surprising.  BTW, the current list price off the hardware
to run it is $800 (64K Color COmputer + Disk); OS-9 is only $70.

Well, CP/M, how do you like them Apples?	mike k