I need to print contourmaps in full resolution and since I allready use MacApp 1.1 for my program I was eager to use FracApp300 sample code TOGETHER with Offscreen unit made by Skippy White (=Blair?). My sreen refresh works beautifully, blasting hole A4-paper in 300 pixel per inch resolution without any difficulties. But the same cobybits to the printerport does nothing except sometimes. It works, if I reduce my bitmaps size. But that's not what I want. And it WORKS to screen. Since copybits moves memory, I call first GetBitsHandle, lock the bits and then supply the copybits with bitmap got from GetMap. Usually I get nothing. Sometimes fractions. I feel it must be something to do with memory handling, but my stack is quite large ( 128k, I have some very recursive code ) and I get no memory error. Making copybits in smaller slices, didn't help. So what I am asking: Is there something about printer grafport (at the time it is open to be drawn to ), that makes copybits work differently to my views grafport or should I make some extra precautions before my copybits. ( I can send sample of my actual code, if someone likes to see it ) Jouni Rynv, Finnish Meteorological Institute I have nothing to do with bad weather