[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Launching from LSC

bwb@andante.UUCP (Bruce Ballard) (08/08/89)

How can I achieve a Launch in Lightspeed C? I've studied TN-126
on (Sub)Launching, and I've read the pages 3-17/3-18 in Programmer's
Guide to MultiFinder, but I always get a beep followed by a termination
of my program, which according to p. 3-18 means an error has occurred
when I'm not asking to sublaunch. But I've (tried to) set LaunchFlags
to 0xC0000000. Any hints? I'm running with LSC 3.0 under MultiFinder
on a Mac II with lots of megs.

Here's how I define the interface:

typedef struct LaunchStruct {
	char *pfName;
	short int param;
	char LC[2];
	long int extBlockLen;
	short int fFlags;
	long int launchFlags;
} LaunchStruct;

pascal OSErr LaunchIt(pl) LaunchStruct *pl;
		move.l	(a7)+,a0
		move.w	d0,(a7)

and here's the code:

LaunchStruct myLaunch;
HFileInfo myPB;
SFReply reply;
SFTypeList typs = {'APPL', 0, 0, 0};
Point sfpoint = {10,10};

MyLaunch(sublaunch) int sublaunch;
{OSErr err;
	SFGetFile(sfpoint, "", 0L, 1, typs, 0L, &reply);
	if (!reply.good)
	myPB.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)reply.fName;
	myPB.ioVRefNum = reply.vRefNum;
	myPB.ioFDirIndex = 0;
	myPB.ioDirID = 0;
	err = PBGetCatInfo((CInfoPBPtr)&myPB, false);
	if (err != noErr)
	err = SetVol(0L, reply.vRefNum);
	if (err != noErr)
	myLaunch.pfName = (char *)&reply.fName;
	myLaunch.param = 0;
	myLaunch.LC[0] = 'L';
	myLaunch.LC[1] = 'C';
	myLaunch.extBlockLen = 6;
	myLaunch.fFlags = myPB.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags;
	if (sublaunch)
		myLaunch.launchFlags = 0xC0000000;
		myLaunch.launchFlags = 0x00000000;

zben@umd5.umd.edu (Ben Cranston) (08/09/89)

In article <21866@andante.UUCP> bwb@andante.UUCP (Bruce Ballard) writes:
> How can I achieve a Launch in Lightspeed C?
> I always get a beep followed by a termination of my program
> (source code posted)

Gee, guy, your code looks perfectly good to me, and it's almost identical to
what I am using with MPW 3.0 C (code below).  I would take a hard flinty look
at that assembly code procedure to see if LSC is mucking about with the stack
frame before your assembly gets control.

My code is almost identical to yours, and it even cheats by not reading the
file information flags :-(

typedef struct {
	char		*ApName;	/* Pointer to application name	*/
	short int	BufCon;		/* Config sound/screen bufs	*/
	char		XFlag[2];	/* Extended launch flag		*/
	long int	XLen;		/* Extended info length		*/
	short		FFlags;		/* Finder info flags		*/
	long int	LFlags;		/* Launch option flags		*/
} LaunchPacket, *LaunchPtr;


/* Do launch of another application.
 * Note negative result is error, but positive is "process id" ...

pascal OSErr LaunchCall( LaunchPtr ) = {
		0x205F,		/* Move.L   (SP)+,A0  ; Arg to A0	*/
		0xA9F2,		/* _Launch	      ; Launch app	*/
		0x3E80		/* Move.W   D0,(SP)   ; Return result	*/

char *appname;
	char		filen[256];
	short int	refnum;
	LaunchPacket	mylaunch;
	OSErr		errcode;

	if (0 != (errcode=GetWD(appname,&refnum,filen)) )

	if (0 != (errcode=SetVol(nil,refnum)) )

	mylaunch.ApName = filen;
	mylaunch.BufCon = 0;
	mylaunch.XFlag[0] = 'L';
	mylaunch.XFlag[1] = 'C';
	mylaunch.XLen = 6;
	mylaunch.FFlags = 0;
	mylaunch.LFlags = 0xC0000000;

	if ( 0 > (errcode=LaunchCall(&mylaunch)) ) {



/* Split the path string into directory and filename.
 * Open a working directory on the directory portion.
 * Return the working directory and filename portion to caller.
OSErr GetWD(path,refn,fname)
char	*path;
short	*refn;
char	*fname;
	int	len, idx;
	short	dvol;
	char	dname[255];
	OSErr	errcode;

	for ( len=idx=path[0] ; (idx>1) && (path[idx]!=':') ; idx-- ) ;
	dname[0] = idx-1;
	fname[0] = len-idx;

	if ( 0 != (errcode=GetVol(nil,&dvol)) )

	WDPB.ioNamePtr = dname;
	WDPB.ioVRefNum = dvol;
	WDPB.ioWDProcID = 'XIDL';
	WDPB.ioWDDirID = 0;

	if ( 0 != (errcode=PBOpenWD(&WDPB,false)) )

	(*refn) = WDPB.ioVRefNum;
Sig     DS.L    ('ZBen')       ; Ben Cranston <zben@umd2.UMD.EDU>
* Computer Science Center Network Infrastructures Group
* University of Maryland at College Park