[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Macintosh printig to modem port

kallio@tukki.jyu.fi (Seppo Kallio) (08/31/89)

I would like to print to postrscript laser using modem port. 
That is: has someone seen driver for redirecting LaserWriter driver output
(pure PostScript) via modem port asyncronously.

I need it for Macintoshes outside campus area, when they do not have
AppleTalk. They have only asyncronous terminal connection to host
or to some laserprinter serial port.'


PS. Please answer me directly.
Seppo Kallio              kallio@tukki.jyu.fi      phone +358 41 292809
University of Jyvaskyla   kallio@finjyu.bitnet     telefax +358 41 292797
Computing Centre          (            telex Finland 28218 JYU SF
Seminaarinkatu 15         Jyvaskyla, Finland