(Owen M. Hartnett) (09/05/89)
I've almost completed the new (beta version) MacApp tutorial that I bought from APDA. Now, I've knocked my head against the wall on several occasions trying to read the previous manual (including Kurt Smucker's book) with no headway at all. But this tutorial really does it correctly and is extremely helpful towards understanding that old beast, MacApp. It takes you through the development process of an icon editor, first getting an application up and running (with DA support, etc.), then adding routines and resources, until the final app is done. Each chapter explains a concept, instructs you where to add the new code, and then gives a diff list of the changes since the last chapter. A disk enclosed contains the source of each chapter for you lazy typists out there. Caveats: The book is a beta version, and there are a few mistakes, but nothing a normal Mac programmer wouldn't spot pretty quickly. I'm compiling a list of errors and would be happy to send it to whoever at Apple is responsible for dealing with it (Larry?). No, there's no bug reporting sheet in the book. I've also picked up the new "Intro to MacApp" and "MacApp Cookbook" but I haven't seen them yet. Anyone wishing info about these can contact me in about two weeks when I've had a chance to see them. Also, just when MacApp seems to get to the level of "the rest of us," it seems the world is moving to C++/Objective C. Behind as usual but still plugging, Owen Owen Hartnett Brown University Computer Science