[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Problems with Inits and Trap patches

wilson@csli.Stanford.EDU (Nathan Wilson) (09/20/89)

I'm trying to write my first Init/Trap patch and am having a problem.
I've got the init part working.  In addition if I call GetTrapAddress
before and after the call to SetTrapAddress they differ and the new
address is the one I expect it to be.  Finally, if I run an
application version of the code, the initial call to GetTrapAddress
returns the same address as I used in the SetTrapAddress the Init.
All this seem to be fine and wonderful, except there is no change in
the behavior of the trap.  The complete code for MPW 3.0 follows.  In
addition to comments on the bug I would be happy to get any stylistic
comments people care to make.  FYI, the ultimate goal of this is to
have an init for multi-screen systems that patches the ZoomWindow call
so it will zoom to the screen containing the center of the window
rather than the "main" screen.  This is suggested by IM-V but isn't
implemented.  Does anyone know why?  The system I'm working on is a
MacIIcx with 8 meg of RAM, TMON installed, running MultiFinder,
PowerStation, and assorted inits.

	Thanks in advance,
			Nathan Wilson
			Teleos Research

Here's the code for the Init part:

***** File ZoomMain.p *****

Unit ZoomMain;


Uses Memtypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,Packages;

Procedure LoadNewZoomWindow;


Procedure MacsBugPrint( theMesg : Str255 );  inline $ABFF;

Procedure LoadNewZoomWindow;
	rsrcNum = 0;
	zoomID = $A83A;
	aZoomProc : Handle;
	aStr : Str255;
	SysBeep( 30 );
	SetZone( SystemZone );
	aZoomProc := GetResource( 'Zoom', rsrcNum );
	if ResError <> noErr then SysBeep( 30 );
	DetachResource( aZoomProc );
	if ResError <> noErr then SysBeep( 30 );
	HLock( aZoomProc );
	NumToString( GetTrapAddress( zoomID ), aStr );
	MacsbugPrint( aStr );
	NumToString( LongInt( StripAddress( aZoomProc^ ) ), aStr );
	MacsbugPrint( aStr );
	SetTrapAddress( LongInt( StripAddress( aZoomProc^ ) ), zoomID );
	NumToString( GetTrapAddress( zoomID ), aStr );
	MacsbugPrint( aStr );

end. {Unit}

***** End File ZoomMain.p

And the code in Zoom resource is just:

***** File ZoomFunc.p *****

Unit ZoomInit;


Uses Memtypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,Windows;

Procedure MyZoomWindow( theWindow: WindowPtr; partCode: Integer; front: Boolean);


Procedure MyZoomWindow( theWindow: WindowPtr; partCode: Integer; front: Boolean);
	Sysbeep( 30 );

end. {Unit}

***** End File ZoomFunc.p *****

and the makefile is:

***** File Makefile *****

ZoomInit D ZoomFunc ZoomMain ZoomInit.r
	Rez ZoomInit.r -t INIT -c 'Zoom' -o ZoomInit

ZoomFunc D ZoomFunc.p.o
	Link -rt Zoom=0 6
		-ra =16 6
		ZoomFunc.p.o 6
		-o ZoomFunc

ZoomMain D ZoomMain.p.o
	Link -rt INIT=0 6
		-ra =16 6
		ZoomMain.p.o 6
		"{Libraries}"Interface.o 6
		-o ZoomMain
ZoomAppl D ZoomFunc ZoomMain.p.o ZoomInit.r
	Link ZoomMain.p.o 6
		"{Libraries}"Interface.o 6
		"{PLibraries}"PasLib.o 6
		-o ZoomAppl
	Rez ZoomAppl.r -c 'Zoom' -o ZoomInit -append

***** End File Makefile *****

finally the .r files are:

***** File ZoomInit.r *****

include "ZoomFunc";
include "ZoomMain";

***** End File ZoomInit.r *****


***** File ZoomAppl.r *****

include "ZoomFunc";

***** End File ZoomAppl.r *****

oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster) (09/20/89)

If you are running under multi-finder, you won't see the effect of patching
a trap from an application in any other application, because multi-finder
swaps each application's patched trap set when it swaps the application.

The best way to debug something like this is to add the code to a demo
text editor application, get it working there, then brea k it loose as a
free standing init.