[comp.sys.mac.programmer] GlobalToLocal fails

daveg@Apple.COM (David Green) (10/02/89)

I'm having trouble using GlobalToLocal in a simple desk Accessory I'm writing.

Upon getting the mousedown event, I set the port to that in the eventMessage.
(hopefully the DA's port, is this always true?)

At this point I drop into Macsbug and view the point in the 
eventRecord's Where field.  It is in Global coordinates as I tested it out
moving the window around and checking the various values.

I then pass this point to GlobalToLocal and it comes back garbaged.

Has anyone had troubles with Global to local before?  This seems trivial, but
I have been away from coding so long that it is stumping me.

Here is the code that processes the event:
	if (theEvent->what == mouseDown) {
		myWindow = (WindowPtr) theEvent->message;
		SetPort(myWindow);		/* use the port of the DA */
		foo = theEvent->where;
		GlobalToLocal(&foo);		/* convert to local axes */
		if (PtInRect(foo,&globals->listBox)) SysBeep(1); 

Thanks much for any help in advance.  This problem seems so straightforward 
that I am having trouble seeing it.  Frustration is quickly settling in....


Disclaimer: The above is all me and has no correlation to Apple policy.
*                                     *                                      *
*            Dave Green               *  Scratch that, reverse it.           *
*            daveg@Apple.com          *                     Willie W         *
*                                     *                                      * 

kazim@Apple.COM (Alex Kazim) (10/02/89)

In article <35161@apple.Apple.COM> daveg@apple.com (David Green) writes:
>Upon getting the mousedown event, I set the port to that in the eventMessage.
>(hopefully the DA's port, is this always true?)

Ah, the age old problem of finding the target window from the event
record.  I don't think event.message is defined for mousedown and you
need to call:
	part := FindWindow(event.where, window)
which will return the window, and part = inSysWindow for you DA.

winodw := event.message works for activate & update events.

Hope this helps...

Alex Kazim, Apple Computer
Phone Repair Man