mckenzie@portia.Stanford.EDU (David McKenzie) (10/08/89)
Does anyone out there in netland have any info on cheap (the cheaper the better), reasonably functional FORTRAN compilers for the Mac? It would be nice to be able to use some of the vast amounts of physics-oriented software out there (matrix diagonalizers and other assorted number crunching), but I am neither willing nor able to shell out $$$ for the priviledge. Alternatively, can anyone point me towards any good canned numerical routines in C (my language of choice), or to equivalent standalone products? I have Numerical Recipes; I'm looking for something closer to LINPACK in power. Please reply via mail; I have a hard time keeping up with all the newsgroups. Anyone else who is interested in the response should write me and I'll pass on my findings. Thanks, David McKenzie