ray@hydroplane.cis.ohio-state.edu (william c ray) (10/18/89)
I'm really sorry if this has been hashed over here already, but my access to the net is relatively new, and I did not realize that this resource existed until recently... My problem... Macsbug doen't work... what am I doing wrong? Background info: running a macII, 5M memory, if I shut off my startup screen, I do get the 'macsbug installed' (or whatever message). The ONLY time macsbug has EVER come up was I believe under a bad copy of a demo of ARKANOIDS, which bombed into it occasionaly. Other than that, I have NEVER managed to get it to work. The interupt keys either cause a reboot, or hang the machine. So, what do I have to do to fix the problem? Is it an init conflict, or what? Thanks for the info/patience Will Ray