mason@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Mason) (09/10/83)
I am looking for a service which mass duplicates 5 1/4" floppies for software distribution (APPLE,COMMODORE,IBM-PC). I am also interested in mass duplication machines (for when I've made it big). Some idea of cost would be helpful. Thanks... -- Gandalf's flunky Hobbit -- Dave Mason, U. Toronto CSRG, {cornell,watmath,ihnp4,floyd,allegra,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsrgv!mason or {decvax,linus,lsuc,research}!utzoo!utcsrgv!mason (UUCP)
des@druxh.UUCP (09/12/83)
Alf Products of Denver, Colo., the makers of the Alf Music System, offer a 5 1/4" floppy disk duplication service. I understand that they are very reasonable in price. Also they sell a machine which will do it for you if you want faster turn-around for production work. Softdisk Magazette uses the service, and they mail out >5000 diskettes a month. (By the way Softdisk is a real bargain if you want un-protected programs and information, and two disks one to keep). - Dale Salyer druxh!des AT&T ISL Denver, Co.
STILLMAN@RU-BLUE.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (09/20/83)
From: Rich Stillman <STILLMAN@RU-BLUE.ARPA> Dysan has a disk duplication service. Costs vary with type of disk, but for 8" SSSD (what I've used them for) it's a $75 initial charge, and .90 per disk with a minimum run of 200. The quality seems fine, but the process takes time since they need release forms signed (to assure you're not duplicating restricted software) and provide evaluation copies before doing the final run. Allow 1.5 to 2 months for an adequate margin. Rich (stillman@rutgers) -------