[comp.sys.mac.programmer] CSwitchboard::DoDiskEvent correction

d83_sven_a@tekno.chalmers.se (SVEN AXELSSON) (10/21/89)

Browsing through the THINK C 4.0 class library I got to the
CSwitchboard::DoDiskEvent method. This is the one responsible for
calling DIBadMount when an uninitialized disk is inserted. In
a comment here the author of the class library states that he couldn't
find the DLOG resource for this one, and so had to hard-code the
position instead of using FindDlogPosition(..).
Well, there really is a DLOG, namely -6047 in the System File. This dialog
is used for all the disk related dialogs (disk-swap, format, name, "not a
Macintosh disk", etc.), so you don't recognize it right away. It looks
like an empty box with a disk-icon in the top left corner. All the items
are stacked far to the right which can be seen by selecting "use full
window" in ResEdit.

|   Sven Axelsson         |  d83_sven_a@tekno.chalmers.se  |  DISCLAIMER:     |
|   dep:t of Linguistics  |          (^^ best ^^)          |                  |
|   univ. of Gothenburg   |        dlv_sa@hum.gu.se        |  This is not     |
|   SWEDEN                |      usdsa@seguc21.bitnet      |  a disclaimer.   |