6600pete@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (10/31/89)

All right, there seems to have been enough interest expressed in having
an online Macintosh programming journal. I've decided to do it. At the
moment, it's called Macker, for MACintosh hACKER. I don't like this name
very much, so the first order of business will be to change it and to
get an ASCII banner for it.

Needless to say, this is a UseNet journal and is free.

Note that this is a JOURNAL, and will not be another forum for
UseNet-style articles. There may be "letters to the editor," but these
will be related strictly to the journal.

The journal will cover, submissions allowing,

   o  how-to articles at all levels of expertise (C and Pascal examples
      will not be duplicated)
   o  programming tool product reviews (ex: THINK C 4)
   o  programming tool product line reviews (ex: C compilers)
   o  editorials on the Mac and common Mac programming practices
   o  interviews with "notable" Mac programmers (authors of major
      products) and development execs
   o  overviews of new Toolbox developments (System 7.0 series to start)
   o  regular columns on various topics, including all the major
      languages, OOP, HyperTalk, and others
   o  other subjects according to submission volume and Mac developments

NOTE: I do NOT have all of this stuff written. My role as I see it is to
gather articles together, sift through for relevance and writing skill,
and provide a unified format. We need submissions! If you send me
subscription mail, please indicate if you are considering a submission
(at this very moment; I expect most everyone will submit something
eventually). That way I can send you out submission guidelines immediately
instead of waiting a week for the first issue (which will be essentially
the same mailing) to go out.

Those of you who wrote in support of the idea need to send me mail again
in order to get on the subscription list. I'm sorry about this, but at
first I didn't feel like keeping a list for something I wasn't sure I was
going to do. I hadn't actually expected subscription requests until later.
Please put the statement that you would like to subscribe in your
subject heading AND up front in the content of your mail. This will make
it easier for me to figure out which mail to concat onto my subscription
file and which mail to read.

The first (pseudo-) issue will be sent out a week from today. After
that, I expect issues will come out on a monthly basis OR whenever I
have 128K of material (approximately two maximum-sized issues).


So, again, this is (semi-) official announcement of


pete@cavevax.ucsb.edu for un/subscriptions, back-issues, and submissions

Pete Gontier, pete@cavevax.ucsb.edu; outgoing .UUCP addresses bounce
This kid is looking for a job: Mac, DOS, C, Pascal, some 68000, 8088
                               excellent communication skills

6600pete@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (10/31/89)

In article <2807@hub.UUCP> 6600pete@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu writes:

> Please put the statement that you would like to subscribe in your
> subject heading AND up front in the content of your mail. This will make
> it easier for me to figure out which mail to concat onto my subscription
> file and which mail to read.

After handling a dozen subscriptions, I can see that this is going to be
easiest for me if you include your mail address on a line by itself.
That way I can kill all the lines around it after concat'ing to the
subscription file. Thank you.

Pete Gontier, pete@cavevax.ucsb.edu; outgoing .UUCP addresses bounce
This kid is looking for a job: Mac, DOS, C, Pascal, some 68000, 8088
                               excellent communication skills