pete@mck-csc.UUCP (Peter Gaston) (11/07/89)
From my initial reading of the deferred task manager chapter, it looked like a great way to sneak a little more control over my processing. As follows, from high priority to low; 1. Interrupt routines, run to completion - VBL tasks, IO completion, socket listeners, etc. *** 2. Initiated at interrupt time, but interruptable - the new category to be used for things you want to run regularly, but you still want Localtalk and other interrupt routines to happen. 3. Normal processing Ok, it looks great. However, to my surprise, it's NOT IMPLEMENTED ON THE SE !! And I think it would be real useful. The question is; HOW DO I WORK HAVE DEFERRED TASKS ON AN SE???? I have two ideas that people might like to comment on, both as to their practicality, and their lifetime before 'breaking'. 1. Just enable interrupts in the 'last' VBL task. What happens if the task runs over the next VBL, does the VBL mgr. get confused? 2. Search for some place in the VBL dispatcher to kludge on my own deferred task mgr at the end. Thanks, P. Gaston