[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Object viewer for Think C 4.0 - comments, suggestions?

jamesm@sco.COM (James M. Moore) (11/29/89)

I've been working on a utility that reads .h files, finds all object
declarations, and builds a complete description for each object that
includes all inherited methods and variables.  It's pretty bare-bones
right now, and I'm still adding features and removing bugs.  What it
does right now (as of one o'clock this morning) is:

	> Prompts for a list of files to read
	> Reads through all the files, extracts the objects
	> Walks through the object tree, assigns the correct parents
		to objects
	> Puts a list of class names in window
	> Double-clicking on a class name brings up a window with
		all methods and variables listed.

Is this something that people would find useful, and if so, is there
anything you would like added to it to make it even more useful?  It's
not quite finished, and I'm very willing to listen to suggestions.

For example, here's what gets pulled up for CCluster (actual data pulled from
the class window):
CCluster : CCollection
New methods:
Boolean Includes( CObject * theObject  ) 
CObject *FindItem ( BooleanFunc  ) 
CObject *FindItem1 ( BooleanFunc , long param  ) 
long Offset( CObject * theObject  ) 
void Add( CObject * theObject  ) 
void Dispose( void  ) 
void DisposeAll( void  ) 
void DisposeItems( void  ) 
void DoForEach( VoidFunc  ) 
void DoForEach1( VoidFunc , long  ) 
void ICluster( void  ) 
void MoreSlots( void  ) 
void Remove( CObject * theObject  ) 
void SetBlockSize( short aBlockSize  ) 

New variables:
LongHandle items
short blockSize
short slots

Inherited methods:
Boolean IsEmpty( void  ) 
CObject *Copy ( void  ) 
long GetNumItems( void  ) 
void Dispose( void  ) 
void ICollection( void  ) 

Inherited variables:
long numItems

James Moore                            | Nil aon .sig maith agam anois -
Santa Cruz Operation UNIX Tech Support |	B'fheidir an tseachtaine seo
jamesm@sco.com                         |		chugainn.