[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Compiler Survey Results

olson@bootsie.UUCP (Eric Olson) (12/01/89)

This is the results of the survey I took on "Who's using what compiler".


There are 74 responses to the survey tabulated here.  Due to mailer troubles
I'm sure that some responses were lost.  Thank you to everyone who responded.  
I received  responses from the following people:

Anders Wallgren
Andrew D. Sonenblick
Ari Halberstadt
Avi Rappoport
Ben Cranston
Bill Coderre
Brian Keller
Brian M. Hamlin
Chris Johnson
Chris Muir
Chris Riley
Christopher Tate
Cici Beilken
Daniel McKinnon
Danny J Zerkel
Dave Platt
David Phillip Oster
David Taylor
Dennis Cohen
Doug Felt
Douglas Phillips
Duane T. Williams
Earle R. Horton
Eric Schlegel
Eric W Sink
Francis of ISRC
Galen Gisler
Ge' Weijers
Glenn McElhoe
Gunnar Blomberg
Herb Poppe
Huan-Chih Lee
Ingemar Ragnemalm
Jack Palevich
James M. Moore
Jeremy Roussak
Jerome Bordier
Jerry Frain
Jim Wright
Joe Francis
Joel B Levin
Joel M. Halpern
John Arvidson
John Terranova
Johnny Lee
Jon W{tte
Jurjen N.E. Bos
Larry Rosenstein
Leonard Rosenthol
Lon Hildreth
Lyle D. Gunderson
Michael Newbery
Michael Peirce
Michael Pyle
Mike Hasling
Mike Morton
Nick Jackiw
Paul A. Sand
Pete Keleher
Ralph Martin
rob snevely
Robert Dorsett
Robert P. Eby
Ross Yahnke
Russell Donnan
Simon Tortike
Steve Dorner
Steve Lemke
Tom Lippincott
Walt Leipold
William Edward Woody

If you sent a response and your name is not listed, please send it
again, and I will eventually post an update.  Be sure to send to
olson@endor.harvard.edu, and not any other possible return path.  The
mailers between me and the world have been sick, and that is the
only guaranteed address.

The survey was tabulated as follows:

For each person responding, an entry was made for each of the environments
mentioned in his or her response.  Entry type is one of:

1.  Use the environment currently
2.  "Also use" the environment
3.  Plan to use the environment

Key to environment names:

    LSC 3       Think (LightSpeed) C Version 3
    LSC 4       Think (LightSpeed) C Version 4
    TCL         Think Class Library
    Think P     Think Pascal
    MPW C       MPW C
    MPW P       MPW Pascal
    MPW Asm     MPW Assembler
    MPW C++     MPW C++
    MacApp      MacApp
    TML P       TML Pascal II
    Aztec C     Aztec C
    Turbo P     Turbo Pascal

Statistics can be made to say anything, so these are presented in a few
different forms.

1.  Each type of entry is counted equally, and no adjustment is made
for number of entries per person:

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       16      41      21      18      20      16      8       7       17      
Percent     9%      23%     12%     10%     11%     9%      5%      4%      10%     

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       5       3       3               175
Percent     3%      2%      2%              100%

2.  Each type of entry counted equally, but each person's entries are 
divided by the total number of entries he or she gave, so each person is 
counted equally, not each entry:

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       8.843   21.89   7.99    10.1    7.09    4.83    1.987   1.662   5.056
Percent     12%     30%     11%     14%     10%     7%      3%      2%      7%      

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       1.694   0.8611  2               74
Percent     2%      1%      3%              100%

3.  Current use entries only, without adjusting for the number of entries given
by each person:

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       13      37      13      15      17      13      4       3       10
Percent     10%     28%     10%     11%     13%     10%     3%      2%      8%      

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       3       2       2               132
Percent     2%      2%      2%              100%
4.  Current use entries only, but each person weighted equally as in (2).
(one person gave no currently used environments, so the total is not 100%):

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       10.2    24.83   5.51    10.04   8.61    4.326   1.067   0.843   3.626       
Percent     14%     34%     7%      14%     12%     6%      1%      1%      5%      

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       1.25    0.7     2               73
Percent     2%      1%      3%              99%
5.  Plan to use entries only, each person weighted equally.  The first total is
the number of people that expressed a preference.  The second total
is the total number of people responding:

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       0       2.75    5.75    1       0.5     0       0       1.25    2.75
Percent     0%      4%      8%      1%      1%      0%      0%      2%      4%      

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       0       0       0               14      74
Percent     0%      0%      0%              19%     100%
6.  "Also Use" entries only, each person weighted equally.    The first
total is the number of people that expressed a preference.  The second total
is the total number of people responding:

            LSC 3   LSC 4   TCL     Think P MPW C   MPW P   MPW Asm MPW C++ MacApp
Total       2.333   0       0.25    2       1.333   0.917   1.333   0.25    0.833       
Percent     3%      0%      0%      3%      2%      1%      2%      0%      1%      

            TML P   Aztec C Turbo P         Total
Total       0.75    1       1               12      74
Percent     1%      1%      1%              16%     100%

INTERESTING NOTES [well, interesting to me!]:

Since I asked specifically about Object Oriented libraries, many people
gave responses indicating that they weren't using any.  Not too suprisingly,
many of those who weren't using OOP were willing to learn: this list
of quotes is from the responses containing the word "Yet":

"None, as yet."
"No class library yet."
"Nothing Yet."
"No OO stuff (yet)."
"I'm not into OOP, yet"
"None. Yet."
"Sorry, I don't program oop (yet!)"
"Don't use OO libraries yet!"

(None of these responses were considered to mean that they person was
planning to use the TCL or MacApp environments unless they stated that
explicitly elsewhere.)

Other environments mentioned included SemperSoft Modula-2, Language System's
FORTRAN, Smalltalk V/Mac [Languages], Transkel [PD Library], Prototyper 2.1,
and AppMaker [Code Generators].  Two people mentioned that they were using
their own object-oriented libraries.


Eric K. Olson            olson@endor.harvard.edu          harvard!endor!olson