[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Forth Beta Testers Wanted!

sdh@wind.bellcore.com (Stephen D Hawley) (12/06/89)

I have finished most of the groundwork for a version of Forth for the
Mac.  It offers dynamic compilation/interpretation, macro definition,
stream I/O (unlike the Forth standard), most of the words defined in
the Brodie book, capability to build stand-alone applications, console
window supports copy/paste actions (but was not written with TE, so its not
a dog), takes up a mere 20K (yes, that's right).

Lovingly handcrafted in C and assembly language, it is ready to be Beta
tested.  As a policy, I would like to ensure that the Beta testers get the
source code as well as the executable and docs.  This is more than I would
like to send via mail, and I'm reluctant to send this via comp.binaries.mac
until a small user base has sufficiently thrashed it.  Therefore, I'm
distributing this via postal mail.

Send me a single 3.5 inch floppy, and I'll send you back source, executable,
and docs.  Patches will probably be sent electronically.  I'm finishing up
my last semester at this time, so there will probably be a lag time before
I get things out (early January, I suppose).

floppies to:
Steve Hawley
13 Catherine La #2
Morristown, NJ 07960

Questions to:
Steve Hawley
"Underwear isn't the geartest thing in the world, but it's damn near it."