[comp.sys.mac.programmer] TCL Problems with Text fields

zardoz@apple.com (Phillip Wayne) (12/08/89)

I recently got my upgrade to TCL (which is very nice anyway), and tried to 
use their CEditText class to put some text fields (yes plural) into a 
Panorama. Guess what! It didn't work. I called Think, and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally (three weeks later) I called them again. Yes, they understood the 
problem. No, they couldn't tell me how. It was too messy to do, they said.

So, does anyone have a real text edit class?

* When you do it to me, it's discrimination
* When I do it to you, it's AA
-- These are my ideas. Oy vey, are they mine.
-- zardoz