(Mark Edward Bradley) (12/08/89)
If anyone is familiar with low-level printer driver calls, I would appreciate some advice. I am using the access routines described in Inside Mac II, chapter 5. I am trying to output a bitmap to the printer, with dubious success. My code follows: (I am programming in assembly language. Sorry, C gods, I'm a new boy) _PrDrvrOpen ; Open the driver move.w #iPrDevCtl,-(SP) ; Printer control code move.l #lPrReset,-(SP) ; Reset printer code move.l #0,-(SP) ; Unused move.l #0,-(SP) _PrCtlCall ; Call the driver routine move.w #iPrBitsCtl,-(SP) ; Bit map printing code move.l MyWindPtr,-(SP) ; Window pointer addq.l #2,(SP) ; Set pointer on stack to the portBits pea MyRect ; Enclosing rectangle move.l #lPaintBits,-(SP) ; Use square pixels _PrCtlCall move.w #iPrDevCtl,-(SP) move.l #lPrPageEnd,-(SP) ; End page code move.l #0,-(SP) move.l #0,-(SP) _PrCtlCall _PrDrvrClose ; Close the driver The first time this routine executes, everything works. Any time after that, the code executes (I checked w/ MacsBug), but the printer doesn't respond. When I go to the Chooser, the printer is no longer selected. After re-selecting, exiting, and re-entering, it still is not selected. When I exit my program, the system crashes, but not always immediately. And when I reboot, the printer will form feed without prompting at some point. (Seems to happen during window operations?) Very little of the code above is my own. It's almost verbatim from IM. I don't know what I'm missing. If you know what might be the problem or if I'm leaving something out, please e-mail. I'm using a Mac SE with 2MB, no special hardware, an AppleTalk Imagewriter and an AppleTalk ImageWriter LQ. I'm also using the Consulair Development System. Profuse thanks, Mark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come to .test, | | "I'm brave! the land without | Mark Edward Bradley | But I'm careful." flames!" | Markie B.!! | -- Goofy
ewing@tramp.Colorado.EDU (EWING DAVID JAMES) (12/09/89)
Don't use the low level printer driver! It is about to disappear! Currently it calls the high level driver to get the work done (rolls reversed!). Instead do the equivalent of whats on page 155 of IM-II. Use CopyBits to do the drawing. Be aware that you may have to band the image (do mulitple CopyBits calls for the image) if the program is low on memory - otherwise you might not get any output. Dave Ewing ( ..!hplabs!boulder!onecom!tyvax!iftech!dave (My Mac IIx running uupc & MacOS!) AppleLink: D2408 (