I think I'm being hit by the "very large cliprect" problem but I'm not sure what to do about it. Let me explain: I've written some code that is supposed to let the user select pictures from a large set of pictures. This is done using a system that is like a film strip which runs horizontally across the screen. It has spaces for four pictures, and has arrows at either end to allow the user to scroll the view to see any set of 4 consecutive pictures. They are then supposed to drag one off if they want it. I'm pretty sure I know how to do that, but my problem is that some of the pictures are pretty complex (actually they're bits of furniture...), and they've been drawn using Superpaint/Superpaint 2.0/MacDraw II. Some of the pictures appear in their slots (they're drawn reduced in size) OK, but some of them - not necessarily the biggest ones, though certainly some of them are very complicated, don't appear at all, though they will if they are drawn at their full size. I set the cliprect to be the size of my window when I start my program, and I don't see how I can set the cliprect when drawing originally takes place because that's the job of the drawing package, right? What can I do to make these errant piccies appear (in a smaller rectangle than their picframe)? Am I missing something very simple? Suggestions (other than "forget it") would be most gratefully received, and if anyone has any really good ideas I'll report back with them. Phil Jimmieson, *************************************************** Computer Science Dept., * * Liverpool University, * JANET : PHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA * PO Box 147 * ARPA : * Liverpool L69 3BX * * (UK) 051-794-3689 ***************************************************