[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Abandoning your Dialog in HyperCard: how dangerous?

gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (02/28/90)

I'm writing a stack which involves some quite lengthy operations, do I thought
it would be nice to put up a dialog for the user saying some form of "I'm doing
something lengthy.  Be back soon...", sort of like what happens when you're
printing on the Mac.

Now, I could do this by showing/hiding fields, or by showing/hiding card
pictures, but I thought it would be better to write a general purpose XFCN to
do it.  So I did.  The XFCN returns the DialogPtr which I store in a global. 
when I'm done and wish to hide the dialog, I pass the global (DialogPtr) to an
XCMD which disposes of the dialog.

Sounds OK, but HyperCard isn't being such a happy camper.  First of all, is
this a reasonable thing to do at all, particularly since HyperCard might
at some point flash up its own dialog (I know I can keep track of my ask/answer
calls, but maybe HC can't find a card it wants, etc.; I've got some inter-stack
movement going on in the background)?  Second, if it's OK to do, what should I
watch out for?  It seems to me that HC barfs if I have the screen locked and
then try to call my XFCN.

Any info much appreciated!


= gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu * generic disclaimer: * "It's more fun to =
=            		         * all my opinions are *  compute"         =
=                                * mine                *  -Kraftwerk       =

consp22@bingsune.cc.binghamton.edu (Darren Handler) (02/28/90)

How about...
At the beginning of the script:

Put "Working" in message

and at the end

Hide message

|  Consp22@Bingsuns.pod.binghamton.edu  |  SUNY-B Computer Consultants -      |
|  Consp22@Bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu   |  Trying to keep the world safe from |
|---------------------------------------|  the SUNY-B Computer users.         |
|  System Consultant - World Computers  |-------------------------------------|
|  Computer Cons. - SUNY Binghamton     |     Darren `Mac Hack' Handler       |
I don't know if I am going to heaven or hell, I just hope God grades on a curve

hughes@ux.acs.umn.edu (Steve Hughes) (03/01/90)

I wonder if if is necessary to do this whole dialogue box thing.
I've found it very useful to pop the message box on the screen
with something like "Processing Request." and then adding
dots as the operation continues (so by the end of the long
operation you have "Processing Request............").

Changing cursor to busy also implies that something is goingn
on and the machine has not hung.