[net.micro] SIMON'S BASIC for C64 - I'm in hog heaven!!!!

porter@inuxd.UUCP (10/11/83)

I came very close to getting my hands on a copy of
SIMON'S BASIC for the Commodore 64 this weekend.
What is SIMON'S BASIC?  Glad you asked.

SIMON'S BASIC will add the following commands to your 64:

key		assign command to function key
auto		auto line numbering
renumber	renumbers BASIC program
pause		pause x seconds
lim		returns vertical position of cursor
cgoto		compute line # for goto
reset		resets data to line number
merge		merge two programs
page		page through program listing
option 10	highlight SIMON'S BASIC command in listing
delay		slow down scrolling program listing
find		display line that matches string
trace		display line # during execution
retrace		resume tracing after editing
dump		dump variables
cold		cold start
old		opposite of new
disapa		hide code in program line
secure		hide all lines with disapa
insert		insert character string into another
inst		overwrite string at position
place		determine position of string within string
dup		duplicate string
centre		center string on screen
use		decimal adjust numbers
print at	print at specified location
fetch		input statement filter
inkey		function key pressed?
on key		a new branch statement
disable		disable on key
resume		resume on key
mod(x,y)	remainder of x/y
div(x,y)	integer of x/y
frac		fraction part of number
%		binary to decimal conversion
$		hex to decimal conversion
exor		exclusive or
disk		open a disk channel
dir		list directory from disk
hires		goto hires mode
rec		draw a rectangle
multi		goto multi-color graphics mode
low col		change plot color
hi col		default plot color
plot		plot a dot
test		test for plotted dot or not
line		draw a line
circle		draw a circle
arc		draw an arc
angl		draw the radius of a circle
paint		fill an enclosed area
block		draw a block of color
draw		free form drawing
rot		rotate a shape
cset		select character set
char		print character on graphic screen
test		print string on graphics screen
color		set background
flash		flash color at variable speed
off		turn off flash
bflash		flash border
bflash 0	turn off bflash
fchr		fill an area of screen with character
fcol		chage character color
fill		fill area with charcter/color
move		duplicate area of screen
inv		inverse a screen area
left,right	scroll an area of the screen
up,down		ditto
scrsv		store low res screen
scrld		load low res screen
copy		screen dump
hrdcpy		print screen data
design		allocate memory for sprite
@		set up grid for sprite
cmob		set up colors for sprite
mob set		initialize sprite
mmob		move sprite (aka: Movable Object Block)
rloc mob	mov sprite between two locations
mob off		turn off sprite 
mem		move a character from ROM to RAM
if-then-else	just like you think
repeat-until	ditto
rcomp		re-execute last if-then-else
loop-exit	like repeat-until
proc		label a procedure
end proc	end of procedure
call		call procedure name (like goto)
exec		call procedure name (like gosub)
local		assign local variables
global		assign global variables
on error goto	just like you think
no error	disables above
out		re-enable normal error handling
vol		set volume
wave		set waveform
envelope	set envelope
music		compose music and save notes
play		play the music
penx		x coord. of light pen
peny		y coord. of light pen
pot		paddle position
joy		joystick position


Personally I can't believe it, but it is available in limited
quantities now for about $100!!!!!  It was being test marketed
in Toronto (the Commodore Capital of the world) last month.
I can't wait!!!!!  If anyone hears anything, please let us all

				Jeff Porter  (inuxd!porter)
				AT&T Consumer Products
				6612 E. 75th Street
				PO Box 1008 
				Indianapolis, IN  46206
				(317) 845-6214