[comp.sys.mac.programmer] VRetrace Questions

jenlan@eos (Jennifer S Lanham) (03/21/90)

I am timing graphics using a VblTask installed into one
of the video card vbl queues. The task's addr field
points to a routine which increments a counter and resets the
vblCount. I collected a couple of articles from this group 
on how to go about installing and using the routine. One method 
I tried uses the Cache (A5) stuff and one does not. The Cache(A5)
stuff causes a crash. The other routine seems to work if I set the
vblCount to a large number ( say 30000). It will bomb if
my synchronization routine catches thevblCount at 0. ( Note that is the 
symptom not necessarily the cause of the bomb.)
I have also checked the tech note ( 180?) which has an 
example similar to what I am doing. A kmodified version of that code
also crashes the Mac( like the Cache(A5) above crash.)

Using MacII, Think C 4.0, System 6.03, and Think C Debugger.
The program is a short term, specific user ( ME) thing so 
compatibility is not an issue. I want it to work on my machine 
with my software and that's it.

 According to the tech. note it is technically not necessary
 to carry A5 around except for future compatibility. Does the simple fact
 of running multifinder require carrying A5? ( I do not switch in and out
 of my application, though multifinder IS running.

 Does the Think C Debugger affect any part of the vbl routine?

 When do the tasks in the vbl queue(s) execute? 
 Is it when SystemTask() is called?

 Is there (another) place where help for this stuff can be found?

 Anyone? Anyone?.......

 Thanks,    Jennifer.

 Below,for anyone who could help, there's the code for two of the methods
that I have tried. Other wise ^n....

/********No A5 stuff in this version**********/

 long     gCounter;
VBLTask	*vTrace;     

pascal void DummyTask()
    gCounter ++;
    vTrace->vblCount = 1;
/*To start up the counter, fill the fields, allocate the record*/
void InstallVideoRT()
{   OSErr errOR;
	gCounter = 0;
	vTrace = (VBLQElPtr) NewPtr(sizeof(VBLTask));
	vTrace->qType = vType;
	vTrace->vblAddr = (ProcPtr) &DummyTask;
	vTrace->vblCount = 1;	/*If I set this very high and use it 
instead of the gCounter in the synch routine, then it only sometimes crashes*/
	vTrace->vblPhase = 0;
	errOR = SlotVInstall(vTrace, 14);

/*To synchronize with the vbl of my video card*/
void SynchVideo()
{ int wait = gCounter;
	while(gCounter == wait);

void RemoveVideoRT()
{	OSErr errOR;
	errOR =SlotVRemove(vTrace, 14);

/*******Modified from tech. notes***********/

long gCounter;

struct VBLRec{
	VBLTask theVTask;
	long	VBLA5;
typedef struct VBLRec VBLRec ,*VBLRecPtr;
VBLRec theRec;

VBLRecPtr GetVBLRec()
{	asm
	{	move.l a0,d0

void DoVBL(VRP)
{	gCounter++;
	VRP->theVTask.vblCount = 1;

pascal void StartVBL()
{	long curA5;
	VBLRecPtr recPtr;
	recPtr = GetVBLRec();
	curA5 = SetA5 (recPtr->VBLA5);
	(void) SetA5 (curA5);

void InstallVideoRT()
	OSErr theErr;
	gCounter = 0;
	theRec.theVTask.vblAddr = (ProcPtr) &StartVBL;
	theRec.theVTask.vblCount = 1;
	theRec.theVTask.qType = vType;
	theRec.theVTask.vblPhase = 0;
	theErr= SlotVInstall((QElemPtr)&theRec.theVTask, 14);

void RemoveVideoRT()
{ OSErr theErr;
theErr = SlotVRemove((QElemPtr) &theRec.theVTask, 14);
void SynchVideo()
{	long wait;
	wait = gCounter;
	while(wait == gCounter);