[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Posting binaries

kw1r+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin Whitley) (01/25/89)

How do I post a binary so that it eventually appears on comp.binaries.mac?  I
posted a program to (I believe) the moderator:
macintosh%felix.uucp@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu.  Is this the correct procedure?


Kevin Whitley

rcfische@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Raymond C. Fischer) (03/27/90)

I have some software that may be of general interest and hasn't been 
posted anywhere yet.  I'd like to send it to the moderator for 
comp.sys.mac.binaries, but although I've looked around some I can't figure
out who to send it to.  Can anyone tell me the procedure?
Is the answer incredibly obvious?

Ray Fischer