[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Dialog from an INIT

sean@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Sean P. Nolan) (05/02/90)

Hi ho...

A question for the net: I am putting together an INIT that works in three 

     * The INIT code patches _LoadSeg to watch for application startup
     * The _LoadSeg patch, when it detects an application starting up, installs
       a patch on GetNextEvent
     * The GetNextEvent patch does some stuff (including popping up a dialog
       that the user must respond to before proceeding) and then unpatches

My problem is this: I pull up the dialog in the GNE patch with a call to
NewDialog. The itemlist handle is one that I reserved in the INIT code at
startup, something along the lines of: items = GetResource((long)'DITL',ID);

However, when the dialog pops up in has no items. I've explicitly setting the
zone to SystemZone before getting the resource; this has no effect. 

Obviously, I'm missing something key. But what? Any help would be greatly
appreciated. (By the way, I'm using Think C and have setup A4 correctly so
that I can refer to items as a global var).


--- Sean

| Sean P. Nolan     |   Net: Sean_Nolan@Dartmouth.EDU   | "That's not a      |
| Dartmouth College |                                   |  baby, that's a    |
| Hinman Box 2658   |            SCALP 'EM!             |  Mr. Potatohead!"  |
| Hanover, NH 03755 |                                   |     --- A.W.O.T.M. |