lef@raybed2.ray.com (LEE FYOCK) (05/01/90)
Sheesh. Talk about wasted bandwidth. My only excuse is that the only machine with an imagewriter here doesn't have THINK C on it, so I had to go with the fly-or-die method of testing... Sorry, everyone! Lee -------------------------------------------------------------- Lee Fyock Raytheon, MSD lef@swlvx6.msd.ray.com Advanced Systems Section "The software we write never completes. It runs until the chip vaporizes."
casseres@apple.com (David Casseres) (05/03/90)
In article <1590@raybed2.ray.com> lef@raybed2.ray.com (LEE FYOCK) writes: > Sheesh. Talk about wasted bandwidth. I don't think any apology is called for. Your posting of your problem, and the solution that followed, were probably helpful to somebody -- even if only by remind them to check their for simple mistakes and typos before assuming that they're in some sort of deep and mysterious trouble with the system. This is especially important now that we're in the grip of the great C fad, since a C compiler will usually respond to simple mistakes and typos by silently and efficiently compiling them into code that does something really silly... David Casseres Exclaimer: Hey!