d88-jwa@nada.kth.se (Jon Watte) (05/09/90)
I have a RasterOps 24bit card in my SE/30, and I'm quite happy with it. I only have this problem: I want to TRY and make an arcade game using 24bit color. This involves blasting longs into memory. No problem, I take baseAddr and rowBytes and do the appropriate arithmetics, assign a long * and try to draw a line. No go. Maybe the wrong address ? Break in roms and check QuickDraw draw the line. Right address. Tweaking and trying for four hours. No go. Copying the memory-move instructions from QD into an asm construct. No go. Obviously, there is something fishy going on. How can I copy a long into screen memory and have it show as a dot ? (PS: Screen memory for this card is mapped starting at FB002000) h+ -- --- Stay alert ! - Trust no one ! - Keep your laser handy ! --- h+@nada.kth.se == h+@proxxi.se == Jon Watte
dierks@ndcvb.cc.nd.edu (Timothy Dierks) (05/10/90)
From article <1990May8.203013.29187@nada.kth.se>, by d88-jwa@nada.kth.se (Jon Watte): > > [ Discussion of trying to set bits on a 24-bit card] > (PS: Screen memory for this card is mapped starting at FB002000) Have you made sure you're in 32-bit mode using SwapMMUMode? Tim Dierks dierks@ndcvb.cc.nd.edu Go Irish! Just >11< days to those silly hats.