[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Mac Plus Sad Mac error codes

tleaming@esunix.UUCP (Taylor Leaming) (06/05/90)

Recently, I was faced with the trauma of a blown power supply on my Mac Plus
(my second in just under a year), which also took out the motherboard.  I was
concerned about losing my extra memory and did some digging about what the Sad
Mac error codes mean.  It turns out that there are no details in any of the
publications from Apple, including the Inside Macintosh set.  After digging
through some back issues of my favorite magazines, I came across only two
articles which mentioned what the cryptic Sad Mac error codes meant.

I have summarized the information from the two articles (my thanks to the
authors, whoever you are) and included a list of what some of the codes mean.

I hope you find this information useful :')

			Sad Mac Error Codes for Mac Plus

The first two digits of the six-digit error code beneath the Sad Mac icon is the
Class Code.  The last four digits is the Sublclass Code.

The most commonly encountered Class codes are 02, 03, 04, and 05, all of which
indicate a RAM problem.  You might try reseating the SIMMs in their sockets. If
this doesn't do the job, see Note 1 below.  

A Class code of 01 indicates the ROM test failed at start-up.  Pack up your Mac
and head to you nearest dealer for repair.

A Class code of 0F indicates some sort of software error.  This could indicate
several things, including ROMs which are no longer valid or some sort of add-in
equipment problem (ie: inproperly installed).
		Code	Notes	Meaning

		01xxxx		ROM test
		02xxxx	1	RAM test-bus subtest
		03xxxx	1	RAM test-byte write test
		04xxxx	1	RAM test-mod3 (pattern) test
		05xxxx	1	RAM test-address uniqueness test
		0F0001		Bus error
		0F0002		Address error
		0F0003		Illegal instruction
		0F0004		Zero divide
		0F0005		Check trap-CHK instruction
		0F0006		Overflow trap-TRAPV instruction
		0F0007		Privilege violation
		0F0008		Trace trap
		0F0009		Trap dispatcher error
		0F000A		Line 1111 trap
		0F000B		Other trap
		0F000C		Unimplemented trap executed
		0F000D		Interrupt button on programmers switch

		0F0065	2	Bad System File
		0F0065		Bad Finder
Notes:	1.  The last four digits indicate which of the four memory modules have	
	    failed.  If the last two digits are nonzero, SIMMs 1 and 3 may be bad.	
	    If the middle two digits are nonzero, SIMMs 2 and 4 may be bad.  To find	
	    the bad SIMM, exchange each suspect SIMM in turn with a good SIMM.	
	    When the Sad Mac code changes, the SIMM you just replaced is bad.	
	2.  Macs with 64K ROM fail with codes 0F064 and 0F065 if the System and	
	    Finder (or other star-up applications) are misssing, but the 128K ROM	
	    recognizes the problem and ejects the disk instead.

Taylor Leaming				|
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp.	|  Does anyone have a really good
Salt Lake City, UT  (huh?)		|  disclaimer I could use?
(801) 582-5847				|