[net.micro] ? Spreadsheets

ABN.ISCAMS%usc-isid@sri-unix.UUCP (10/19/83)

We badly need a spreadsheet program we can put on our prototype tactical
network here at XVIII Abn Corps.  We're running Apple II's with Pascal,
netted via Omninet with Corvus 20Meggers, and have 80-column cards.

Ultimately, we may (if the requirement is confirmed to be worth the money)
have to procure a commercial program with an extended net use license, but
I'd really rather try the public domain arena first.  (There are such
wondrous things out there!)

Maybe it doesn't have to be SUPER-wonderful and flexible, and do all things
for all mankind, but SOMETHING!  (My users are driving me crazy!)

Thanks in advance for any information.
PS:  I'm putting this out over INFO-APPLE myself, so please don't forward
this over there -- hate to barrage nets with duplicates forwarded from
other nets.

David Kirschbaum
Corps Automation Mgt Office
HQ XVIII Abn Corps, Ft Bragg NC
(no affiliation with the TV show!)