[comp.sys.mac.programmer] opening a resouce in a DA

mm5l+@andrew.cmu.edu (Matthew Mashyna) (07/27/90)

How does a fella open a resource file in a DA ? Is there something
special you have to do ? I tried to open a file with OpenResFile
but I always get a return code of -1.

Any Ideas ?


|Matt Mashyna        | "That is the most obscene abomination of a song...   |
|mm5l@andrew.cmu.edu | that is dirt, that is filth, that is trash. What     |
|Carnegie Mellon     | possessed you to write such a disgusting, degenerate |
|   Every day is     | type song as this ? ... And I'm complementing you by |
|         Earth Day. | considering it a song." - a critic                   |