[net.micro] Reply from <Little.Fleas>

smith%nrl-aic@sri-unix.UUCP (10/25/83)

From:  Russ Smith <smith@nrl-aic>

Pardon to the rest on the net but since the reply from Little.Fleas
went to the whole list I felt it necessary to respond to the whole list.

I was very careful to state the particular hardware involved with the
problem I was having. The GODBOUT Interfacer II is NOT programmable.
It uses plain old vanilla UARTS. It's true that reading a couple bytes
from the CRT port actually doesn't do anything, however, reading from
the modem port gets rid of any IN-THE-UART garbage bytes. None of the
hardware lines is affected by anything done by the software I use. In
fact, most are HARDWIRED to a certain state (look at the specs for this
board. Very very little is controlled by software). DTR, CTS, etc. stay
just the way they were. Remember, I can use either the home-grown modem
program or MDM712 to make one connection. For any other connections I
have to power the Smartmodem down for a little while first.

My request for help still stands. A couple people have had interesting
suggestions which I'll soon try out. If you have any help/info/suggestions
after (carefully) reading my initial plea, please respond to me directly.
I'll see that any important discoveries re this particular set of
hardware get sent to the net.


Russ <Smith@nrl-aic>