[comp.sys.mac.programmer] cT programming environment ?

johnroc@cheshire.ucsc.edu (John Rocchio (x2578)) (08/04/90)

Does anyone have any experience with the cT programming environment from
Falcon Software Inc.?  Any source or sample programs would be welcome.

Thanks in advance

John Rocchio
Workstation Consultant
UC Santa Cruz

kw1r+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin Whitley) (08/07/90)

As it happens, I am one of the developers of cT (I do the mac work, in
fact) so any testimonials I give would be suspicious.  But if you would
like to know more about cT from us, drop a note to bas@andrew.cmu.edu. 
We have large quantities of sample source we'd be happy to send you. 
Just tell us what kind of thing you'd like to see.

Briefly, cT is a machine-independent language suitable for writing
modern graphics & event intensive programs.  It "feels" kind of like
Basic.  When you buy it you get a whole programming environment: editor,
online-help on the language (including many code fragments), books,
etc..  There are versions available for the Mac and IBM-PC family (on
the cmu campus we also have a unix workstation version, but it isn't
really available).  Programs written on one machine, complete with
graphics, mouse events, colors, menus, etc. port, without any change, to
the other systems.  This is a big deal on a mixed machine campus like we
have here at Carnegie Mellon.

Here is a trivial program.  It would write "Hello world" on the screen
wherever you clicked the mouse, and beep when you choose the "Beep"
option on a menu.  (Comments follow double dollar signs).

$syntaxlevel 1	$$  as the language develops we guarantee old programs
will still work.
		$$      this statement tells us what syntax, etc. should be used for
compiling this program

unit	main		$$ a unit is basically a procedure
menu	Beep:DoBeep	$$ set up a menu so that the unit DoBeep is invoked
when the item is chosen

loop	$$ loop forever
	pause	keys=touch	$$ wait for a mouse click (at this point we are
handling all events, including menus, window resizes...)
	at	ztouchx,ztouchy	$$ move the pen to where the click was
	write	Hello world	$$ write hello world.  By the way, if you wanted
"Hello world" in bold, you would just make it bold
				$$     in the source editor, like a work processor.  No tedious
change style commands.

unit	DoBeep
beep	$$ simple "system default" beep

Needless to say cT does much more than this, but I don't want to swamp you.

Kevin Whitley

(If you send me any mail, please don't expect a reply for about a month.
 I will be gone).