[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Text needed for THINK C 4.0 Object Programming

mdm@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Michael McDaniel) (08/07/90)

Greetings!  I just purchased THINK C 4.0 and am looking for a text to teach
me Object Programming in THINK C.  I mistakenly bought a C++ manual but
have returned it since it was not helpful.  Any ideas?

Many many thanks in advance.
Please e-mail to me as I am on the network at 1200 baud and can't clear all
the articles, so I miss a good deal of them.

Michael McDaniel              Dartmouth Class of 1991  | HB 2285
Usenet (UUCP):   ...!{harvard,linus,att}!dartvax!mdm   | Hanover, NH
Internet/BITNET:  mdm@dartmouth.edu                    |        03755
[The source code to the X toolkit is a fine example of OOP in C, but I
haven't seen any books on the topic. -John]
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