[comp.sys.mac.programmer] NuBus Declaration ROM HELP{

topping@anaconda.cis.ohio-state.edu (brian e topping) (08/08/90)

Hello all,

I am working on a NuBus declaration ROM and am running into some problems.
if you have any ideas on these or any other problems you think I may have,
I would greatly appreciate your input.

1)  I am looking for any ideas on building a RAM disk.  These may be from an
application viewpoint.  I have noticed that the program I looked at allocated
memory in an odd way.  Is there any limitations to allocating two or more
megs of memory in the system heap as a ram disk?

2)  I am having trouble opening a driver at boot.  I have a driver in a
sRsrc_DrvrDir and am trying to open it with _Open.  Supposedly there are
device manager extentions that will find the driver on the rom given the
name of the driver.  I am using the following source code:

	JSR	beep
;	RTS						; debug code
	MOVE.L  #HFileParam.HFileParamSize/2-1,D0	; amount to clear
@0	CLR.W	-(A7)					; clear a word
	DBRA	D0,@0					; do it again
	MOVEA.L	A7,A0					; load the reg
	LEA     data1,A1				; set the name
	MOVE.L  A1,HParamBlockRec.ioNamePtr(A0)		;
	_Open   HFSBit					; open it
	BEQ.S	@1
	JSR	beep
@1	LEA	HFileParam.HFileParamSize(A7),A7	; reset the space
	RTS						; continue
data1	dc.b	5,'.Test'

The 'beep' routine is a special routine that talks directly to the 
sound chip (no sound manager yet).  The idea is to allocate a parameter
block and open the driver, but I get two beeps instead of just one,
signaling that the _Open did not work.

The format block and all the different board and sResource directories are
formatted correctly, because the rest of the devices on the board show up
correctly and the mac beeps before the "happy mac" or "wheres the disk" come

Of related interest is finding a ROMable MacsBug that I could use to check
things during the boot process.  Any ideas on that one?

More thanks than allowed by law,

Brian Topping