[comp.sys.mac.programmer] HappiWare -> Use of the name, name of the use.

johnr@runxtsa.runx.oz.au (John Rotenstein) (08/12/90)

Hi there.  

My name is John Rotenstein, I live in a little-populated land down under,
and I invented HappiWare.

Just like you, I'm an avid Macintosh user and never thought I could ever
program the beast.  Then, one day, I did.

Over the last few years I've produced utility-like software for the Macintosh.
Realising that it wasn't quite right to sell, I placed my software on worldwide
networks and in user group libraries for distribution.

Living in Australia, I knew how difficult ShareWare fees are to pay. Plus, I
realise that most people don't want to pay ShareWare anyway. So, I have created
HappiWare with two requests:

  1. If you like it, remember to smile.
  2. If you seriously like it, send me a postcard.

I wish to thank the 1200+ people who have sent cards/letters so far, both
for their effort and their kind remarks/comments. I never expected HappiWare
to become as popular as it did. I only regret that I cannot reply to you all
by mail.

Recently, there have been programs published over the net which call themselves
HappiWare and request a postcard.  This has caused confusion for some people,
having identified the name HappiWare with my products.

Therefore, I ask that people not use the HappiWare name on their products. By 
all means, request postcards and make people happy but could you please avoid
the name HappiWare so that people can better identify my products?  I am not
in a position to obtain a global trademark for the name and can only plead for
your support in this.

Thanks very much,

John Rotenstein
PO Box 165 
Double Bay NSW 2028

HappiWare to the world!