[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Think C Dawdle question

matt@MAPS.CS.CMU.EDU (Matthew Diamond) (09/07/90)

I have a program which is trying to update the action on the screen
multiple times a second (without waiting for user actions).
The obvious thing to do, since I'm using Think's Class libraries,
is to override my Pane's Dawdle method.

The Dawdle methods allows one to set the rate which Dawdle gets called at.
The rate is set as 'maximum numbers of ticks before next Dawdle call'.
In practice, the fastest I've gotten Dawdle to repeat is 2-3 times per second,
no matter how few ticks I request.

My program is doing virtually no processing (it's mostly not written yet).
I can't believe the Think C Class libraries are that slow
(or if they were, wouldn't the manual mention the limitation).
So why does it wait so long between Dawdle calls?
Any ideas?  Has anyone else run into this?

Thanks in advance,
Matthew Diamond