busey@blake.u.washington.edu (Thomas Busey) (09/07/90)
Does anyone out there in NetLand know of a software package that would answer the modem and allow remote users the ability to upload and download files from the hard disk? I don't need extensive stuff such as user logons and directory protection, just something quick and dirty for my own personal use. Thanks. Tom Busey busey@blake.u.washinton.edu From a bumpersticker: "We're snorting our children's inheritance"
laird@slum.MV.COM (Laird Heal) (09/14/90)
>Does anyone out there in NetLand know of a software package that would >answer the modem and allow remote users the ability to upload and download >files from the hard disk? I don't need extensive stuff such as user logons >and directory protection, just something quick and dirty for my own >personal use. This note belongs more to comp.sys.mac.{wanted, comm, apps} than where it was sent, and since nobody answered it that I saw, here's my reply: I pulled MultiXferV03a2 off the first Syquest cartridge I looked at - this is dated October 1989 and I seem to remember a later version - look in Sumex or Listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu <--that's a 'one' not an 'ell'. So I binhexed it and mailed it to you. Whatta deal: as I remember it can run unattended. There are a couple of others but I shan't waste time looking or reminiscing. -- Laird Heal laird@slum.MV.COM Talk is cheap. (Salem, NH) +1 603 898 1406 Whiskey costs money.