[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Classic to Color Quickdraw

tarr-michael@CS.YALE.EDU (michael tarr) (09/18/90)

Here a few things not answered in IM V:

I can't seem to access the global array QDColors which supposedly has
the RGB defs for the 8 original mac colors. I realize there is a rsrc in
the system for these, and a defQDColors = 127 for the rsrc, but I am not
sure how to pull them into my code or if it is done automatically. I am
using THINK C 4.02 by the way.

What is the meaning of the values for the original 8 colors (e.g.
blackColor, greenColor, etc...)? They are not indexes into the system
clut, but they are none sequential numbers. Basically I want to go from
these to rgb values and back -- right now I just build a big array and

The functions GetForeColor and GetBackColor are purely color QD as far
as I can tell -- I can get thePort->bkColor and thePort->fgColor in non-
color QD worlds, but it would be nice if either worked...
 * Mike Tarr                                    The Human Neuron Project  *
 * tarr@cs.yale.edu                             Department of Psychology  *
 * "My opinions are always my own."             Yale University           *