lester@cica.cica.indiana.edu (lester) (09/19/90)
schools VAXs and would like to do the actual typing at my mac. I ftp'd a demo for preditor and it looked real nice unfortunately nobody seems to know anything about it around here ( or via the normal mail order channels) I would appreciate it if anybody has their own favorite non-language specific editors ( with features such as parenthesis matching, auto indenting etc...) or who has information on the current status of preditor would e-mail me. If there seems enough information to warrant it I will post a summary Jim Lester | Amercia OnLine: JimLester just a student at IU | email: lester@silver.ucs.indiana.edu I don't speak for IU; they just take my money ( as much as they can get from a poor starving student )
hammersslammers1@oxy.edu (David J. Harr) (09/19/90)
Has anyone gotten hold of Alpha 2.0 yet? I have lost my FTP access :-(, so I can't just go hunting around the net for it. I wish I could. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated... David