[comp.sys.mac.programmer] External Text File Input/Ouput help needed for Assembly.

kchenow@hoss.unl.edu (Kendall Chenoweth) (09/20/90)

I am considoring starting an assembly language project on the macintosh
using MDS.  I have a shell for creating a window.  My project concerns
huffman coding.  My primary concern is NOT external file input/output, so
I am wondering if you (reading this article) know of a pre-existing macro
for external file I/O or a fairly straight forward method for text file
I/O.  I may be missing the obvious solution.  If I am, please inform me.

						Watch out for A5

						Kendall Chenoweth
Kendall Don Chenoweth	"I am not a number, I am a free Man" Prisoner
112 705 N 23rd		"I am a TimeLord I walk in Eternity" Dr Who
Lincoln, NE 68503	"Damn you, Clive Folliet!"  the Dungeon
(402) 436-6918		kchenow@hoss.unl.edu / kchenow@fergvax.unl.edu