[comp.sys.mac.programmer] THINK C wishes

miyakekm@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Keith Miyake) (10/20/90)

I'm interested in having a graphics output console window and some simple
graphics routines ( say, circle(x,y,r), move(x,y) ) that would show up
on the graphics window.  I don't need it for any *real* programming, I'd
rather just call the toolbox directly.  However, I'm going to be teaching a
class on numerical methods next term, and I want the students to be able to do
a little graphics with the least possible effort.  It could also be useful for
porting UNIX programs which make PLOT(3X) calls.

I've been hacking together some routines to do this, but the biggest stumbling
block has been in modifying console.c to deal with the new graphics console
window.  (Thank god for source files)  Finally, has anyone else tried to 
do anything like this?
