[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Finder Info Flags

jaap@mtxinu.COM (Jaap Akkerhuis) (10/18/90)

In der finder info stucture there are quite some fields. One of them
is the fdFlags. Can someone point me to were in Inside Mac a break
down is given what these things mean. I don't seem to be able to find
it and inquiring minds want to know.


Of course, instead of a pointer to Inside Mac, just a list would be
fine as well.

keith@Apple.COM (Keith Rollin) (10/18/90)

In article <1373@mtxinu.UUCP> jaap@mtxinu.COM (Jaap Akkerhuis) writes:
>In der finder info stucture there are quite some fields. One of them
>is the fdFlags. Can someone point me to were in Inside Mac a break
>down is given what these things mean. I don't seem to be able to find
>it and inquiring minds want to know.
>	jaap
>Of course, instead of a pointer to Inside Mac, just a list would be
>fine as well.

Here is the text from Technote #40 that should answer your question:

"The Finder keeps and uses a series of file information flags for each
file. These flags are located in the fdFlags field (a word at offset
$28 into an HParamBlockRec) of the ioFlFndrInfo record of a parameter
block. They may change with newer versions of the Finder. Finders 5.4
and newer assign the following meanings to the flags:

	Bit	Meaning
	0	Set if file/folder is on the desktop (Finder 5.0 and later)
	1	bFOwnAppl (used internally)
	2	reserved (currently unused)
	3	reserved (currently unused)
	4	bFNever (never SwitchLaunch) (not implemented)
	5	bFAlways (always SwitchLaunch) 
	6	Set if file is a shareable application
	7	reserved (used by System)
	8	Inited (seen by Finder)
	9	Changed (used internally by Finder)
	10	Busy (copied from File System busy bit)
	11	NoCopy (not used in 5.0 and later, formerly called BOZO)
	12	System (set if file is a system file)
	13	HasBundle
	14	Invisible
	15	Locked"

Note: The technote warns that these may change under future systems. This is
indeed the case under 7.0. Here are the new meanings:

	Bit	Meaning
	0	isOnDesk - reserved (set to zero)
	1-3	color - three bits of color coding
	4	colorReserved - reserved (set to zero)
	5	requiresSwitchLaunch - reserved (set to zero)
	6	isShared - Application is available to multiple users
	7	hasNoInits - File contains no 'INIT' resources
	8	hasBeenInited - Finder has read BNDL info
	9	Reserved (set to zero)
	10	hasCustomIcon - File or directory has custom icon
	11	isStationery - File is a stationery document
	12	nameLocked - Can't be renamed from Finder
	13	hasBundle - Contains BNDL resource
	14	isInvisible - Invisible from Finder and StdFile
	15	isAlias - File is an alias

This will be documented in the new Inside Mac VI.

Keith Rollin  ---  Apple Computer, Inc.  ---  Developer Technical Support
INTERNET: keith@apple.com
    UUCP: {decwrl, hoptoad, nsc, sun, amdahl}!apple!keith
"Argue for your Apple, and sure enough, it's yours" - Keith Rollin, Contusions

drz@po.CWRU.Edu (David R. Zinkin) (10/18/90)

When will Inside Mac VI be available?

(I am not a member of APDA.)

David R. Zinkin  --> Case Western Reserve University (Student)
(drz@po.cwru.edu)    CWRU Macintosh User Group (Columnist & Consultant)
                     Rochester General Hospital Radiology (Consultant)
                     Chemistry Major (WR, Class of 1992)

wilkins@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Mark Wilkins) (10/19/90)

In article <1990Oct18.141035.19143@usenet.ins.cwru.edu> drz@po.CWRU.Edu (David R. Zinkin) writes:
>When will Inside Mac VI be available?

  Obviously not before System 7 is released.  After all, the programming
interface to System 7 is still changing!

-- Mark Wilkins
*******     "Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude!"    **********
*  Mark R. Wilkins   wilkins@jarthur.claremont.edu   {uunet}!jarthur!wilkins  *
******  MARK.WILKINS on AppleLink  ******   MWilkins on America Online   ******

Chris.Gehlker@p12.f56.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Chris Gehlker) (10/22/90)

> In der finder info stucture there are quite some fields. One of them
> is the fdFlags. Can someone point me to were in Inside Mac a break
> down is given what these things mean. I don't seem to be able to find
> it and inquiring minds want to know.

> Of course, instead of a pointer to Inside Mac, just a list would be
> fine as well.

FdFlags indicates whether the files icon is invisible, whether the file has
a bundle, and other characteristics used internally by the Finder:

  Bit     Meaning

  0       Set if file is on desktop (hierarchical volumes only)
  13      Set if file has a bundle
  14      Set if files icon is invisible


Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!56.12!Chris.Gehlker
Internet: Chris.Gehlker@p12.f56.n114.z1.fidonet.org