[comp.sys.mac.programmer] itl2 RESOURCE FORMAT

ggiergiel@vmsa.oac.uci.edu (11/20/90)

Does anyone here know what the actual structure of itl2 is?
As far as I can tell (from disassembly and not from documentation
which remains as shitty as the best of DTS traditions would require)
it looks like so:

all are dc.w 

ROMAN itl2

00 InitProc  offset
02 FetchProc offset
04 VernierProc offset
06 ProjectProc offset
08 $FFFF flag indicating presence of extra tables?
0A Reserved offset ($0000)
0C offset to byte table of CharTypeCodes indexed by CharCodeIndex
0E offset to byte table[0..255] of CharCodeIndex indexed by Ord(char)
10 offset to signed byte table of upper case conversion offsets indexed  
  by CharCodeIndex
12 as above for lower case conversion
14 same as 10 but clipped to 127 ASCII
16 offset to unknown block
18 offset to unknown block
1A same as  12 but clipped to 127 ASCII
1C repeat of 14 ?
1E $0000
20 RTS
22 RTS
24 RTS
26 RTS
28 RTS

Two specific questions
a) what's the meaning of two blocks pointed to by $16 and $18
b) How come LwrText trap uses (appropriately) data in block $12
but UprText does not.

Jerzy Giergiel 
P.S wouldn't mind if somebody from Apple cared to answer.