[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Question regarding THINK C definition of LongDateTime

gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (11/23/90)


In "ScriptMgr.h" LongDateTime is defined as

        typedef struct { long comp[2]; } LongDateTime;

but in the script manager guide from Apple it's defined as
	  typedef comp LongDateTime;

Why the workaround to simulate a comp?  And for that matter, where is comp
actually defined?  I looked in "SANE.h" but couldn't find it there; in THINK
Pascal that's where it's defined (well, SANE.p actually :->).   

= gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu * generic disclaimer: * "It's more fun to =
=            		         * all my opinions are *  compute"         =
=                                * mine                *  -Kraftwerk       =