time@tbomb.ice.com (Tim Endres) (12/07/90)
This is only part of a very nicely formatted Word document. I cut off the last part about the portable to save space. If you want the Word doc or the portable docs email me. ---------------------------- On the original ROMs (128k, 512k, 512ke, Plus): When you press the interrupt button on the side of your Macintosh when booting, you should get a sad Mac icon with '0F000D' and some bits cycling under the icon indicating it is performing a memory test. This numeric code is in two parts: the first two characters are the class code and the second four are the sub code. The class code tells what part of the diagnostic program found the error and the sub class code tells what the error was. In the case of a bad RAM chip, the sub class identifies the bad chip (this was very helpful to homegrown upgraders). ======================================================================= Class Code Sub Code 1 = ROM test failed Meaningless 2 = Memory test - bus subtest identifies bad chips 3 = Memory test - byte write identifies bad chips 4 = Memory test - Mod3 test identifies bad chips 5 = Memory test - address uniqueness identifies bad chips ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Single Chip Identification Data Bit Location Sub Code Bits 0 F5 0001 1 F6 0002 2 F7 0004 3 F8 0008 4 F9 0010 5 F10 0020 6 F11 0040 7 F12 0080 8 G5 0100 9 G6 0200 10 G7 0400 11 G8 0800 12 G9 1000 13 G10 2000 14 G11 4000 15 G12 8000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Code Sub Code F = Exception 0001 Bus error 0002 Address error 0003 Illegal instruction 0004 Zero divide 0005 Check instruction 0006 Traps instruction 0007 Privilege violation 0008 Trace 0009 Line 1010 000A Line 1111 000B Other exception 000C Nothing 000D NMI (normal indication) 0064 CouldnUt Read System File into Memory Macintosh SE & Macintosh II ROMs: The Sad Mac error codes have been changed to incorporate additional power for testing and to support the 32-bit world. Generally, the same codes are used for 68000 exceptions as the Macintosh, however they are displayed differently. The traditional Macintosh error codes are displayed like this: (imagine Sad Mac Icon here) 0F0003 Where RFS indicates an exception occurred, and R3S indicates an illegal instruction occurred. On the Macintosh SE and II, the display would appear: (imagine Sad Mac Icon here) 0000000F 00000003 Please note that 00000003 is a hex number. The new powerPon error codes have the following format: (imagine Sad Mac Icon here) XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY Where XXXX is internal test manager state information (ignore this), YYYY contains codes that indicate either an exception code, or the test number for a power on test failure. The ZZZZZZZZ code contains additional failure information to help track down the problem. $YYYY Error Codes: $0001 The ROM checksum test failed. Ignore the Z field. $0002 The first small chunk of RAM to be tested failed. The Z field indicates which RAM Bit(s) failed. This small chunk of RAM is always in Bank B. Example: $AABBCCDD AA=8 bit mask for bits 31-24 BB=8 bit mask for bits 23-16 CC=8 bit mask for bits 15-8 DD=8 bit mask for bits 7-0 $0003 The RAM test failed while testing bank B, after passing the chunk tested for code $0002. The Z field indicates which bits failed as in code $0002. $0004 The RAM test failed while testing bank A. The Z field indicates which bits failed as in code $0002. $0005 The RAM External addressing test failed. The Z field indicates a failed address line. $0006 Unable to properly address the VIA1 chip. The Z field is not applicable. $0007 Unable to properly address the VIA2 chip (Macintosh II only). The Z field is not applicable. $0008 Unable to properly access the Front Desk Bus. The Z field is not applicable. $0009 Unable to properly access the MMU. The Z field is not applicable. $000A Unable to properly access NuBus. The Z field is not applicable. $000B Unable to properly access the SCSI Chip. The Z field is not applicable. $000C Unable to properly access the IWM chip. The Z field is not applicable. $000D Unable to properly access the SCC Chip. The Z field is not applicable. $000E Failed Data Bus test. The Z field indicated the bad bit(s) as a 32-bit mask for bits 0-31. This may indicate either a bad SIMM or data bus failure. $000F Reserved for Macintosh compatibility. $FFxx A 680xx exception occurred during power on testing. The xx indicates the exception: $01 Q Bus Error $02 Q Address Error $03 Q Illegal Instruction Error $04 Q Zero Divide $05 Q Check Instruction $06 Q cpTrapCC, Trap CC, Trap V $07 Q Privilege violation $08 Q Trace $09 Q Line A $0A Q Line F $0B Q unassigned $0C Q CP protocol violation $0D Q Format exception $0E Q Spurious interrupt $0F Q Trap 0P15 exception $10 Q Interrupt Level 1 $11 Q Interrupt Level 2 $12 Q Interrupt Level 3 $13 Q Interrupt Level 4 $14 Q Interrupt Level 5 $15 Q Interrupt Level 6 $16 Q Interrupt Level 7 $17 Q FPCP bra or set on unordered condition $18 Q FPCP inexact result $19 Q FPCP divide by zero $1A Q FPCP underflow $1B Q FPCP operand error $1C Q FPCP overflow $1D Q FPCP signalling NAN $1E Q PMMU configuration $1F Q PMMU illegal operation $20 Q PMMU access level violation ------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Endres | time@ice.com ICE Engineering | uupsi!ice.com!time 8840 Main Street | Whitmore Lake MI. 48189 | (313) 449 8288